Implementation of the NiceLabel Label Design Solution at the TARAVIS Poultry and Food Industry Ltd.
About the Company
TARAVIS Ltd. is a poultry processing company. At the end of the manufacturing and packaging process, the company must identify each finished product, therefore at the end of the manufacturing process, each finished product will have an identification label.
Environment Exploration
Some of the label information is permanent but may vary from article to article. It contains a lot of variable data, which may vary by commodity, time, product and customer. The format of the label is also determined by current health regulations. The situation may be further complicated by the fact that in many cases several types of labels have to be produced for a single product. In addition to the product label, a multipack label, a pallet label, a hygiene label, an explanatory label and, in many cases, a foreign language label may be required. The above can assume thousands of label designs where the risk of human error is rather high.
Before the implementation of the NiceLabel label design solution, the employees of TARAVIS Ltd. prepared the label designs for the day immediately prior to production. To do this, they had to extract the required data from multiple Excel sheets and use the dates properly. Subsequently, the employees assigned to this task manually incorporated the data into the current label design, which has given rise to potential errors.
Instead of the above method, we have offered TARAVIS Ltd. an automated label production solution that eliminates the above error possibilities with 100% reliability. The data required to generate the label can be selected from drop-down lists, various options and checkboxes in the application user interface. The labels are thus not directly edited, but the solution itself handles the data conversion automatically, selects and edits the label formats and thus eliminates the possibility of human error.
Competitive Advantage
With the introduction of the above solution, errors in label design have been completely eliminated, and the employees’ daily work has become more convenient and predictable